Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Verification Audits: Checking products, services and processes

Product, process, and service audits focus on defect reduction or prevention and are conducted more often, than System Audits.

ISO 9001:2015 clause 8.4.2 Type and Extent of Control states:

"The organization shall: 
a) ensure that externally provided processes remain within the control of its quality management system; 
b) define both the controls that it intends to apply to an external provider and those it intends to apply to the resulting output"

A new article by JP Russell, Verification Audits: Checking products, services and processes, provides an understanding of the need, preparing, performing, reporting and follow-up of verification audits.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Oxebridge is collecting early user feedback on the new ISO 9001:2015

Oxebridge has launched an online survey to gauge early user feedback on the new ISO 9001:2015 standard. The intent is to collect data on early opinions on the new ISO 9001 standard from the point of view of the user.
No personal information will be collected.
You may complete the survey via the SurveyMonkey page here.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Business Process Improvement Tools

We put together a collection of Business Process Improvement Tools in a form of a presentation that you can download free from our site.

Those tools can be used by quality professionals, Lean Six Sigma practitioners, engineers across the globe to improve a given process in a proactive manner.

The collection includes:
- Project planning tools
- RASCI and FMEA tools
- ROI template
- Value Analysis Matrix and more

Follow the link in the presentation and download the tool of your choice from QMaxima website.

As a limited time promotional offer, some of the tools can be downloaded for free.