Thursday, September 7, 2017

Contract Review Metrics

What factors can be used to measure the effectiveness of the Contract review process?

Some suggest to use a quote-hit ratio to obtain a metric on the percentage of orders obtained from quotes. Not in all companies this would be an effective or accurate method, since many quotes are done verbally or through e-mails.

Are there any other ways to determine effectiveness in this process?

There is a universal and well-proven method for any QMS process effectiveness evaluation – the Expert Evaluation.
Each of the 5-7 experts evaluates the effectiveness, for example, on a 10-point scale. The maximum and minimum ratings are discarded and the arithmetic mean is determined.

The main thing is the awareness of experts, as well as disinterest in obtaining certain result. This ensures objectivity.

To evaluate the effectiveness of Contract analysis, the following criteria can also be used:
  • the time taken to sign the contract;
  • the ratio of contracts completed in time to the total number of contracts signed;
  • the number of customer complaints (an absolute value or in relation to the total number of contracts) - this criterion is applicable to several processes, including Production and service provision process.
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