Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Practical tips for an audit interview

Performing an audit is a major part of ISO 19011.
New article by J.P. Russel 'Conducting Interview - Collecting and Verifying Information' gives a quick review of ISO 19011 topics with practical tips:

  • Conducting Interview - how the auditor should prepare for an interview and what info should be collected in advance;
  • Interview environment - physical location, surrounding activities, the person to be interviewed;
  • Interview guidance - how to start and finish the interview, what interview techniques to use in order to become efficient in achieving the results set;
  • Pay attention to interfaces between processes in the management system
  • Opportunities improvement - the questions the auditor should ask him(her)self to make sure opportunities for improvement are identified and addressed
To help you out with Internal Audit process  - we've updated the Quality System Procedure Internal Audit according to the new ISO 9001:2015 Requirements

More ISO 9001:2015 Documents and Template on our site

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Risk Management Requirements Implementation in ISO 9001:2015 Clauses

  • A complete list of Risk Management Requirements Implementation in ISO 9001:2015 Clauses
  • Objects of Control
  • Subjects of Control
  • Recommended Regulatory document (if provided in the Standard)

Download Free Presentation

also available in table format

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

ISO 9001:2015 Transition Guidelines - Risks

  • Think through several options when making decisions.
  • Think about consequences.
  • Compile a clear risk list. Understand risk source.
  • Give up neural networks and fuzzy logic for a while. Suggest a simple tool, such as 
‘risk level = probability * consequences’. 

          Suggest colleagues to estimate the first and second. The average result will be better than the result  from the application of artificial intelligence.
  • Rank the risks by level and choose for risk treatment.
  • Treat risks. Enhance desirable effects, prevent, or reduce, undesired effects.
  • Make right decisions! Achieve an improvement!
  • Enhance good practices. Describe positive experience in a documented procedure. 
Risk Management Recommendations
Examples of the most frequently used formulas  


More  ISO 9001:2015 Transition tips on our site