- Several technical changes to the latest edition of ISO 19011 can affect the way an audit is conducted.
- Changes include a revised principle of integrity and clarifications on remote auditing and communication technology issues.
- Being aware of five key changes will help auditors through various audit activities.
Read the full article Five at the Forefront by Natalia Scriabina published in the March 2013 issue of Quality Progress.

Natalia Scriabina is a President of Centauri Business Group Inc.
She is responsible for overseeing the portfolio of training courses and strategic partnerships at CBG Inc.
Natalia has a background in training, consulting and auditing. Natalia authored and co-authored a number of publications on quality management, innovation management, social responsibility, business sustainability, and related topics.
Read more about Natalia’s publications.
Work with us to become a lead auditor across the ISO 9000 series and in line with ISO 19011:2011 Our expert trainers will guide you through classroom tutorials, role-play exercises, group workshops and open forum discussions. Commit to QMS auditing with this international qualification to set both you and your business apart. Achieving ISO 27001 Audit accreditation is vital to cost-effective and efficient processes and stakeholder confidence.